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Ce este scorul APGAR si ce inseamna pentru bebelusul tau?
What about APGAR score? This score is the result of a test that was designed by Virginia Apgar in 1952 anesthetist. APGAR score is sometimes called „baby birth mark”. This is the first test did indicate child and its overall physical condition. It is important to note that this score does not determine the child’s […]
Depresia postnatala sau tristetea de dupa sarcina
Aproape 1 din 8 femei ajung sa dezvolte depresie postpartum in saptamanile sau lunile de dupa nastere, ceea ce reprezinta un procent foarte crescut in randul afectiunilor legate de sarcina. Cauza principala a depresiei postnatale este insusi cumulul de modificari hormonale puternice si bruste ce apar imediat dupa momentul nasterii. Nivelurile de estrogen si progesteron […]