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Ce se intampla in primele zile ale alaptarii bebelusului?
Totul va fi altfel. Esti mama! Cele noua luni pline de suspans si emotie devin de astazi o noua calatorie, in care personajul principal este chiar in bratele tale. Piele pe piele, cea mai mare parte din zilele tale, vor fi reprezentate de legatura stransa dintre tine si bebelusul tau. In prima saptamana de dupa […]
Alimentatia nou-nascutului si avantajele alaptarii
Ce este scorul APGAR si ce inseamna pentru bebelusul tau?
What about APGAR score? This score is the result of a test that was designed by Virginia Apgar in 1952 anesthetist. APGAR score is sometimes called „baby birth mark”. This is the first test did indicate child and its overall physical condition. It is important to note that this score does not determine the child’s […]